The mission of Trinity Metropolitan Community Church of Gainesville is to spread the message of God’s inclusive love.
The vision of Trinity Metropolitan Community Church of Gainesville is to:
- welcome all people,
- actively pursue social justice and peace,
- respect the faith of all people and invite them to participate in our worship,
- pursue answers to life’s questions with open hearts and minds both as individuals and as a congregation,
- share our spiritual gifts, talents and resources within our congregation, our community and beyond.
The Core Values of Trinity MCC are:
- Embracing diversity
- Welcoming all with respect and friendship, creating sanctuary and community.
- Celebrating God’s Presence within our life’s journey and giving thanks daily through worship and prayer.
- Consistent witness of God’s love for all.
- Looking to Christ as Guide, Teacher and Example for living, who provides the way by which we develop love for God, ourselves and our neighbors.
- Embodying wholeness by striving toward the integration of our spirituality, sexuality and healing.
- Using our gifts faithfully and responsibility in the church we are called to serve,and in the wider creation entrusted to us by God.
- Developing our knowledge, expanding our boundaries, refusing to accept limitations.
- Working for change, peace and justice to educate the world around us of God’s charity and grace.