We are often asked how people can support us financially and we appreciate the fact that you wish to donate to Trinity MCC. We want to make this as easy and safe as possible for you.

If you click on the Donate button below you will be taken to our Paypal website, were you can pay via Paypal or by credit card. Thank you so much for your donation; as a self funding church please know we appreciate every cent.

Paypal Donation

If you would like to donate through REALM (our internal processing system), please click on the button below.

Realm Donation

If you would prefer to send a check, please mail it to:

Trinity MCC, P O Box 145035, Gainesville FL 32614

If you would prefer to Direct Deposit into our bank, it is Campus USA and if you email we can give you the details.

Amazon Wishlist

We have an Amazon Wishlist for items that are not regularly included in the Budget, so if you would like to donate by purchasing something for us please click on the link to see exactly what we need.  And thank you so much for considering this.

Link To Wish List
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